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Management planning of protected areas

Course Syllabus:

History of protected areas in world and Iran, an overview of the structure and function of protected areas in Iran, concept of land zoning, concept of protected areas zoning and its application, spatial criteria and index in zoning, introduction to protected areaes zones and their functions, data collection studies needed for implementation of protected areas zoning, including climatology, geomorphology, geology, land resources and pedology, qualiy and quantity of surface and groundwater sources, type and density of vegetation, wildlife and wildlife habitats, cultural and natural attractions, human characteristics of landscape including human settlements and population, landuse, infrastructure such as road networks, energy and water facilities, studies on local community viewpoints, implementation of protected area managament plan.

workshop: production of thematic maps, zoning of one of the protected areas, preparing the management plan of protected area, organizational chart of protected area, budgeting and facilities requirement.

پیش نیازها: 

Protected Areas, GIS and Environment Capacity Evaluation courses.

سیاست نمره دهی: 

Workshop: 40%

Midterm Exam: 20%

Final Exam: 40%

دستیار آموزشی: 

Miss Kermani

زمان بندی کلاس: 

Once a week on Wednesday: 8-10 Am

Workshop: 10-12

Fall semester

تحت نظارت وف ایرانی

Management planning of protected areas | دکتر علی لطفی


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تحت نظارت وف ایرانی